Exemplary Tips About How To Start Netbackup Client

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You can install netbackup clients on windows systems with the following methods:

How to start netbackup client. When you install netbackup server software, client software is also. If you do not want to. Places the host name in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file on the server.

Installing server software on windows systems about the administrative interfaces installing netbackup client software about netbackup client installation on. Another local account with necessary rights (manage auditing and security log, act as part of the operating system, create a token object, member of. By definition, netbackup servers are also clients.

This article describes how to install netbackup client in red hat linuxveritas technologies llc provides software solutions. I have tried all: Start the netbackup installation wizard with one of the following methods:

Mount cd and navigate to mount point. About netbackup client installation. Below is the list of netbackup commands which are used mostly in windows and unix platform.

Installation methods and requirements an ntfs disk partition is. Installing netbackup windows clients locally or remotely log on as administrator on the host where you want to install the client software. Credentials troubleshooting the netbackup web ui about the netbackup web ui the netbackup web user interface provides the following.

When it is run without any parameters, it attempts to update all clients (as determined by /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpplclients). Veritas resiliency platform section v. For clustered environments, the script places the virtual host name in the.

Log on to the unix system as root. It's correct if the solaris is installed with netbackup master or media server. Type the following commands:

Install the netbackup client software on linux server.linux server.netbackup clientnetbackup 10netbackup 8netbackup 9backupnetbackup tutorials. This option determines whether netbackup services start automatically if you need to restart the netbackup host. How to restart netbackup and veritas private branch exchange (vxpbx) services on windows.

This command is used to configure or display global configuration.

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